Saturday, 5 December 2015

The 12 joys of teaching: Day 6

On day 6 of #12jot15 I am sharing the joy of belonging to the etwinning community! I love working with teachers from other countries and collaborating on projects like learning languages together, making cookbooks or teaching each other playground games. The playground project will be published in the Languages Today magazine ( by the Association of Language Learning) which is amazing! 
Thank you Natalia, Carmen and Sarah for being excellent partners and inspiring me and the children:-)
Some links: 
My visit to Valladolid last year:

Carmen's blog:

The etwinning website:

Today I am sending you greetings from the etwinning training event from Nottingham! (With Vikki Bruff and Lisa Stevens)

1 comment:

  1. Gracias Erzsi!! Un placer aprender a tu lado!! muack!!
