Thursday, 1 January 2015

"Happy New Year" activities

Happy New Year to you all! Here are some activities to celebrate the New Year.

En 2015, quiero.....
I have made a PowerPoint slide with 12 wishes for the new year. We will work out what they mean using the illustrations and looking at the words - some are very similar to the English ones. 
We will say what we want in 2015 (at different levels by using "y" and "más").
En 2015, quiero salud.
En 2015, quiero aventuras y chocolate.
En 2015, quiero más sol.

12 Grapes
Based on the tradition that that Spanish eat 12 grapes at midnight on New Year's Eve, we made twelve wishes for the new year on a grape template last year. The pupils had to write these in order of importance, this made them think about the meaning of the words. I got this idea from the Janet Lloyd Network Facebook Group.

"Happy New Year" in 32 languages
We will watch a video where you can hear "Happy New Year" in 32 languages and we will try to spot the Spanish one. If you have EAL pupils in your classrooms, they will be pleased to hear their languages. (English, Persian, Uzbek, Swahili, Ukrainian,Burmese, Russian,Bengali, Dari,Arabic,Portuguese, Mandarin, French, Sinhalese, Pashtun, Azerbaijani, Serbian, Hindi, Indonesian, Nepali, Kirundi, Viatnamese, Macedonian, Somali,Tamil, Kirghiz,Urdu, Albanian, Turkish, Cantonese, Hausa, Spanish)

¡Feliz Año Nuevo! - games

This sentence gives opportnities to remind the children of the  the upside down exclamation mark, the sounds "z", "ñ", "v" and the place of the adjective in Spanish.
We will definitely play the Mystery Voice, where the blindfolded person will have to find out who is wishing him or her a happy new year. We will also hide a little box with 12 grapes inside and play the Hot/Cold hiding game, where a detective will have to find the box while everybody chants "¡Feliz Año Nuevo!"- louder and louder as he/she is getting closer.

1 comment:

  1. ¡Os han quedado muy chulas las uvas!...¡Qué pena que al final no me las haya comido este año! Menos mal que hice el simulacro con los alumnos porque ayer llegue aquí, justo para irme para la cama ja,jaja. Un beso wapa :-)
