Monday, 30 March 2015

ALL West Lancs Primary Languages hub meeting- songs

In March our primary languages meeting was about how we use songs in our teaching.

Here are the suggestions of the participants, who were all given a microphone for their contributions:-)

  • Take Ten in Spanish, French or German ( - fantastic DVDs showing dances and songs, and the book is full of great ideas! We watched Jean Petit qui danse with the dance, a similar video is here:

  • Grupo Encanto: there are lots of videos on Youtube here. At the meeting we did the actions for "Soy una taza"- food or restaurant topic and "Chuchuwa" - body topic and "Este puente..".

Other suggested songs by Grupo Encanto: "Con mi dedito", "Vuela la luna", "Había una vez un avión".

  • Boca Beth on youtube

  • Ay las frutas

  • To practise vowels: Un burriquito como tú by Peret

  • Los Trotamundos: we watched a number song and "Un limón y medio limón". The songs come with karaoke versions! We didn't find a web link during the hub, but I managed to find one at home later here.
  • a French one: tchik et tchak for body parts

More suggestions:
  • sing new vocabulary to familiar tunes 
  • do a military march with the new vocabulary
KS1 songs on my previous blog post here.

More ideas on Sue Cave's page, she runs the Thames Valley Primary Hub and they had a songs hub the day after ours!

Before the meeting, I asked the Facebook LiPS (Languages in Primary School) group about their favourite songs and groups, and here are the answers:


(Sylvie Bartlett Rawlings)

(Vikki Bruff)

  • Alain le Lait is fantastic - songs sooo engaging! Can buy , but loads of free videos by him on you tube. I down load with ilivid & keep
(Helen Boddy)
  •  My P5 class is loving La Vie en Couleur - not the easiest lyrics, but raised the roof on the classroom singing it this week. Lots of fabulous songs on this site.
(Lisa Adams)
  • My year 3s are loving Léon le Caméléon

(Barbara Cheded)

(Laetitia Le Moal Davies)

  •  Ratounet:

In Spanish 

(Sylvie Bartlett Rawlings)

(Lisa Stevens)
(Laetitia Le Moal Davies)
(Letizia Mendez Tiley)

1 comment:

  1. Gracias Erzsi por el post. Yo utilizo la música para todo de hecho creo que mis clases no se conciben sin música. Muchas veces como no encuentro la música que me gusta o que se adapta a mis alumnos pues termino haciendo yo mis propias canciones tomando bases instrumentales conocidas y añadiendo la letra que mejor me cuadra en relación del topic. Se que lleva más tiempo pero a mi me da muy buen resultado con mis alumnos y sobre todo con lso mayores que les gustan cancines modernas y con ritmo. Un beso wapa :-)
